Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Advent Calendar 2020 Day 15: Big Break, 1994

Every year the pot-as-many-balls-as-you-can baize baloney game show would present a pantomime version, not with any narrative beyond the costumes but it's the thought that counts, chiefly the thought of how ridiculous the players can look. Jim Davidson is the Mad Hatter, John Virgo the March Hare, and the celebrity contestants are an awkward Zoe Ball as Cinders (with Jim essaying a pro-am Johnny impression), Terry Griffiths, Craig Charles and Steve Davis who is having little part of this as Tweedledum and Tweedledee, John Parrott as a cat and Marti Caine in a costume she can barely walk in. Then Charlie Drake appears, just 24 years after his last TV series and having latterly fallen into being part of Davidson's blue panto Sinderella. Caine would be dead by the following Christmas, Drake didn't appear on TV again after 1995.

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