Sunday, 1 December 2019

Advent Calendar 2019 Day 1: The Mike Yarwood Christmas Show, 1977

Let's start this year's Christmas countdown big. As big as it gets, in Christmas TV terms. The most watched Christmas Day show of all time, according to 2016 research, and somehow more importantly the most viewed on the most famous December 25th schedule of them all, 21.4m* edging out the more celebrated Morecambe & Wise on the day the Beeb finally confirmed their big day event television status, which would happen if your rivals are showing a two hour Stars On Sunday special and Young Winston in opposition. What was the appeal? Well, Paul McCartney for one, Wings performing Mull Of Kintyre as it bestrode the pop scene like a bagpiped colossus and then acting opposite - ah, 1977 - Denis Healey as a punk. Even Linda and Denny get lines. The big opening sketch involves a lot of split screen work, the knowledge that Basil Fawlty is already a mass audience reference point and - ah, 1970s - Mike done up as Sammy Davis Jr. There's also a whole pantomime spoof that runs on union based topicality, which is probably why you don't see this repeated or even reviewed a lot despite its status.

AS HE SAID AT THE BRIGHTON CONFERENCE: 1978 and 1979, neither the most watched show that year

(* The first of the climactic Only Fools And Horses trilogy in 2001 was measured at 21.35m)

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