Monday 3 December 2018

Work Advent Calendar 2018 Day 3: ITV trailer, 1993

Don't take this line-up too much to heart, three of these shows featured appeared on the day itself, and two of those were films. In stark contrast to BBC1 having gotta lotta fings on, this was the year ITV decided to schedule its biggest shows in the periods before and after Christmas to capture the more valuable advertising revenue during a downturn. As Christmas Day was a Saturday, uninspired magazine filler Movies Games And Videos was kept in its post-Chart Show slot; between the Queen and 11.40pm the line-up consisted of four movies, a Beadle-fronted compilation of daredevil stunts and two news bulletins. The result: not much above 20 percent of all viewing in what was still for a vast majority the four-channel era (eight BBC1 shows on Christmas Day had more viewers than ITV's most watched output) and a carpeting from the ITC who told them never to try that again.

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